Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chicago - The Purple Pig Experience

Purple Pig

(Michigan and Grand)

So everyone who's everyone eats here (Purple Pig) cause it's that's good but it's only an experience and only an experience with Colin Jones, a server in particular, no not the manager, the server, who's got quite a tongue for good food not just at Purple Pig but the whereabouts in Chicago. He's one of the few with very seasoned culinary experiences.... 

Say Hello

So be nice and be interesting or just be human towards Colin, because that is the real start of the dining relationship.

Say I'm Thirsty

Have him pick the wine for you... No need for $50-100 bottles, just tell him you want the reasonable priced ones that are outstanding to taste (it's possible!)...

Say I'm Hungry

Have him pick what HE wants for you to try WITHOUT telling you what he picks till it actually comes to the table. Tell him to keep the dishes coming but him let him know two dishes prior to getting full.. Tell him about any food allergies and restrictions so you don't end up at Northwestern Hospital.

Say You're Done

Tell him to pick your dessert... And Don't miss the Affogato and the Sicilian Iris

Tweet Colin at @cojones320

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cleveland OH - Must Do

Driving back from NYC to Chicago is long and boring if you don't check off the following: Comedy Central on your Spotify, Audible for more logical stuff, and dinner at Happy Dog in Cleveland Ohio So,

Happy Dog

5801 Detroit Ave, Cleveland OH 

Open 4PM - 2:30AM

Beer: Fat Head Bumble-berry

Food: Tater Tots

Safe; Choose a ready hotdog recipe from the menu... You'll have to shade/check each topping off the menu according tothe  guide.

Adventurous; Choose one of each topping from each category... Still checking and shading toppings but now according to you spontaneous craving.

Server; Have Wes serve you. He is on top of his game. Asked for a plastic fork to finish my left overs on the drive back. They didn't have any plastic ones so He have me a real one all wrapped and clean. Now that's world class customer service!